Our rates are currently set at £6 per hour for academic year 2022/2023
The funding available to can be completed and we are happy to assist you in navigating the various funding schemes available.
A brief description of each funding scheme and some helpful links are set out below.
Free Early Education Entitlement for 2 year-olds (“FEEE 2”) –15 hours per week
From September 2014 the law changed to allow more two-year-old’s to benefit from free childcare. As we have an Ofsted rating of Good we are able to claim funding for eligible two-year-olds.
A child can access the funding in the term following their 2nd birthday, see below:
Child born between | Eligible for funding |
1 April to 31 August | 1 September following their 2nd birthday |
1 September to 31 December | 1 January following their 2nd birthday |
1 January to 31 March | 1 April following their 2nd birthday |
The FEEE for two-year-olds is not a universal offer, only eligible children may access this funding via an application process. Families can apply for funding online, or through a childcare provider, Family Hub, health visitor, social worker or specialist teacher. To apply online parents/carers should go to:
https://emsonline.essexcc.gov.uk/CitizenPortal_LIVE/ and register.
You need to Log in and click on ‘Funded Early Education for Two Year Olds’ to complete an application. Once the application is submitted eligibility will be checked and if eligible you will be given a reference number which will allow us to access the funding.
Click below for more details:
Free Early Education Entitlement for 3 to 4 -year-olds (“FEEE 3-4”) – 15 hours per week
The Free Entitlement is a government programme giving all 3 – 4 -year-olds up to a maximum of 15 hours of free education/childcare per week. This is calculated over a maximum of 38 weeks, equivalent to 570 hours per year.
A child can access the funding in the term following their 3rd birthday, see below:
Child born between | Eligible for funding |
1 April to 31 August | 1 September following their 3rd birthday |
1 September to 31 December | 1 January following their 3rd birthday |
1 January to 31 March | 1 April following their 3rd birthday |
The dates have been fixed by DfE in line with the current Statutory Guidance
Free Entitlement funding comes from central government to the local authority, who then set the funding rates and make payments to providers.
We will ask Parents/Carers to sign a ‘Parent Agreement Form’ each term and arrange the funding on your behalf. No direct payments are ever made to parents.
30 hours funding/Extended Entitlement for working parents of 3 to 4 year olds
The Government has introduced a new scheme for working parents commencing on 1 September 2017. This is referred to as the ’30 hours scheme’ or ‘Extended Entitlement’. This entitles working parents of 3 to 4 year olds up to 30 hours of free funding.
Children aged 3 to 4 are already entitled to the universal 15 hours (as detailed above).
Click on the link below for a copy of the eligibility criteria but in summary both parents need to be working a minimum of 16 hours per week at minimum wage (£7.50) and each parent must not be earning over £100,000. If you are in a lone parent family that parent must be working and the same restrictions apply.
If you believe you are eligible you need to apply through HMRC’ website
Eligible families will be given an 11 digit code which you pass to us to be validated (together with your NI number) and then we can access the funding. Without this code we cannot access the extended entitlement funding.
You will need to have registered for the extended entitlement and have your eligibility code before the start of the term to access the funding in that term as follows:-
Cut off Date | Term funding will be paid from |
31 August | Autumn term (September to Christmas) |
31 December | Spring term (January to Easter) |
31 March | Summer term (Easter to end of July) |
If you miss this deadline, you will not be able to claim the extended entitlement funding until the next term, and will have to pay the fees for the extra hours.
If you have any questions regarding the funding available contact Kate on 07456 332 238 or admin@dhcps.co.uk. Alternatively there are some useful websites below:
Useful websites for parents
Early Years Pupil Premium (“EYPP”)
There is additional funding for early years settings to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged 3- and 4-year-olds. 3- and 4-year-olds in state-funded early education will attract EYPP funding if they meet at least 1 of the following criteria:
If your family gets 1 of the following, please speak to Kate to discuss the Pre-School being able to claim the additional funding and how it will be best used to support your child.
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guaranteed element of State Pension
- Credit Child Tax Credit (provided they’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on, which is paid for 4 weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit Universal Credit
- They are currently being looked after by a local authority in England or Wales they have left care in England or Wales through: an adoption a special guardianship order a child arrangement order.
- Children must receive free early education in order to attract EYPP funding.
For further information click on the link below: