About Us
Doddinghurst Community Pre-school offers childcare for children between the ages of 2 and 5. We offer a safe, nurturing environment in which each individual child is recognised, valued and supported to achieve their potential through meaningful play experiences. We have a free-flowing space from indoors to outdoors to ensure that those children who learn best through active movement can thrive too.
We are guided by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and pride ourselves on our ability to forge strong relationships with the children and their families in our setting and with the excellent knowledge of each child we can plan varied and imaginative experiences that inspire and challenge children to succeed.
We have strong links with Doddinghurst Infant school which has enabled us to develop an excellent transition program, ensuring that the children enter their formal education as confident and secure individuals.

Our Vision Statement
Doddinghurst Community Pre-school offers a welcoming friendly atmosphere for both child and parent/carer where children can Create, Explore, Imagine and Learn. We encourage friendly involvement and are community focused and constantly striving towards improvement.
Doddinghurst Community Pre-school provide children with a happy, safe and nurturing environment where we aim to foster each child’s uniqueness and individuality and provide a diverse and vibrant programme as they work towards the goals within the Early Years Foundation Stage
We offer a broad range of educational opportunities and provide activities that enrich each child’s social, emotional, physical, intellectual, cognitive and creative abilities. We set the foundations of your child’s first steps on their Learning Journey which provides the basis for all future learning.
Doddinghurst Community Pre-school is a place where your child learns to enjoy learning through play thus making school a happy place to be. We promote educational learning skills irrespective of gender, cultural background or disability. We are committed to providing positive role models for the children in our care. We aim to instil morals and values to enable each child to continue through school with the necessary skills to promote life-long learning.
Doddinghurst Community Pre-school advocate a sense of belonging and strive to develop self -esteem through fun, love, respect, teamwork and equality.
We celebrate our success with great pride.
Our Rooms
Our Local Offer
Doddinghurst Community Pre-School aims to meet the needs of children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We are supported by the local authority to ensure all children, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in the pre-school.
We work with all professionals as required for each child and encourage them to visit the setting. If required, we will contact and work with the Essex County Council Early Years Support team. We will always obtain parental consent before doing so and we will include parents in all decisions made and meetings held.
Our staff continue to receive and refresh their training as part of their continuous professional development. All staff have Early Years Qualifications or are working towards them and attend on-going training in SEND, promoting positive behaviour and English as an additional language.
For more information on our local offer, please speak to us or you can request for a copy of our policy.