
Please visit the pre-school to pick up a copy of the application form or follow the links below to download a copy:

Click here for a copy of our Hedgehog Registration Form  (temporarily closed)

Click here for a copy of our Squirrel Registration Form


Fees are paid half-termly and invoices are issued at the beginning of each term. Our rate is £6 per hour, we charge 50p per morning session for a healthy snack and there is a voluntary contribution of £5 per half term included on our invoices.


We will assist you in navigating the various funding schemes available including funding for 2 year-olds (FEEE 2), the universal 15 hours funding for 3 to 4 year olds (FEEE 3-4) and the Government’s scheme for working parents referred to as 30 hours funding or Extended Entitlement. Please speak to Kate ( or the Pre-School Manager.